Kategorie: Síťové prvky aktivní
3207 Kč
cena s DPH
Přístupové body Festa nabízejí funkce podnikové třídy s jednoduchostí zaměřenou na spotřebitele. Naše bezplatná centralizovaná správa založená na cloudu, která je dostupná prostřednictvím aplikace Fe
1181 Kč
cena s DPH
TOTOLINK A3002RU-V2 bezdrátový router Gigabit Ethernet Dvoupásmový (2,4 GHz / 5 GHz) Černá
Typ rozhraní ethernetu LAN: Gigabit Ethernet
Síťové standardy: IEEE 802.11bIEEE 802.11gIEEE 802.11nIEEE 802.1
2183 Kč
cena s DPH
8portový 100Mbitový přepínač a konvertor pro průmyslové aplikace. Možnost redundantního napájení DC 12-48V / AC 24V, příkon
ESD ochrana portů. Krytí IP30, hliníková skříň, rozšířená pracovní teplota -40-75°C. Montáž na DIN lištu nebo přímo na zeď.
Přepínače pro průmyslový Ethernet jsou určeny do náročných provozních podmínek s velkým rozsahem pracovních teplot, nejistým napájením a častými otřesy.
Přepínače řady ISW se snadno instalují na standardní DIN lištu nebo přímo na zeď a umožňují nasazení dobře známé Ethernetové technologie i v průmyslovém prostředí. Stejně tak jsou vhodné pro instalace do venkovně umístěných skříní s velkým kolísáním pracovních teplot (typicky bezdrátové a MAN ISP aplikace).
Fyzické vlastnosti:
Porty: 8 x RJ-45 10/100BASE-TX
Paměť: 1k MAC adres, buffer 448Kb
Propustnost: sběrnice 1,6 Gbps, provozně 1,19 Mpps (64B)
Provedení: DIN lišta, na zeď
Napájení: zdroj 24V AC s redundancí 12-48V DC, připojení možné ze dvou různých zdrojů (nejsou součástí balení), celkový příkon do 2,5W
Ochrana: ESD do 6kV, spínací výstup pro ovládání relé (24V/1A) při výpadku napájení, ochrana proti přepólování, připojení napájení na svorkovnici, umístění na spodním panelu (nepřekáží při montáži na zeď)
Provozní teplota: -40°C - 75°C, vlhkost do 95%
Rozměry: 115 x 70 x 41 mm
Hmotnost: 300 g
Průmyslové vlastnosti:
zařízení je odolné proti pádu (IEC-60068-2-32) z výšky 75 cm na všechny dopadové části
zařízení je odolné proti vibracím (IEC-60068-2-6)
zařízení je odolné proti přetížení krátkodobému zrychlení 50g, dlouhodobému 4g, (IEC-60068-2-27)
elektrická bezpečnost dle CE EN-60950
EMC Elektronická kompatibilita (EMI):
ČSN EN 55032:2015+AC 2016 - Elektromagnetická kompatibilita multimediálních zařízení
EMC požadavky na odolnost (EMS) :
ČSN EN 55024 A1:2015 - Zařízení informační techniky
ČSN EN 55035:2017 - Elektromagnetická kompatibilita multimediálních zařízení
ČSN EN 61000-4-2:2008 - Elektrostatický výboj ESD
ČSN EN 61000-4-3 A2:2010 - Vyzařované vysokofrekvenční elektromagnetické pole
ČSN EN 61000-4-4:2012 - Rychlé elektrické přechodné jevy/skupiny impulzů EFT
ČSN EN 61000-4-5:2014 - Rázový impuls a přepětí
ČSN EN 61000-4-6:2013 - Odolnost proti rušením šířeným vedením, indukovaným vysokofrekvenčními poli
ČSN EN 61000-4-8:2009 - Magnetické pole síťového kmitočtu
ČSN EN 61000-4-11:2004 - Krátkodobé poklesy napětí, krátká přerušení a pomalé změny napětí
23706 Kč
cena s DPH
Cisco switch CBS350-48T-4G-EU
Řízené switche řady Cisco Business 350 jsou spolehlivými stavebními prvky pro sítě malých firem. Díky intuitivnímu ovládacímu panelu, pokročilým funkcím a všudypřítomnému zabezpečení urychlují spravované switche řady Cisco Business 350 vaši digitální transformaci.
Záruka platná do End of Support 31. 10. 2029.
Oznámení End of Life pro CISCO CBS350
Stránky produktu: CBS350-48T-4G-EU
Quick start guide: Quick start guide
Switching capacity and forwarding rate (All switches are wire speed and nonblocking) Capacity in Millions of Packets per Second (mpps) (64-byte packets) 77,38
Switching Capacity in Gigabits per Second (Gbps) 104
Layer 2 switching Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Standard 802.1d Spanning Tree support
Fast convergence using 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree [RSTP]), enabled by default
Multiple Spanning Tree instances using 802.1s (MSTP); 8 instances are supported
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+) and Rapid PVST+ (RPVST+); 126 instances are supported
Port grouping/link aggregation Support for IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
Up to 8 groups
Up to 8 ports per group with 16 candidate ports for each (dynamic) 802.3ad link aggregation
VLAN Support for up to 4,094 VLANs simultaneously
Port-based and 802.1Q tag-based VLANs; MAC-based VLAN; protocol-based VLAN; IP subnet-based VLAN
Management VLAN
Private VLAN with promiscuous, isolated, and community port
Private VLAN Edge (PVE), also known as protected ports, with multiple uplinks
Guest VLAN, unauthenticated VLAN
Dynamic VLAN assignment via RADIUS server along with 802.1x client authentication
Voice VLAN Voice traffic is automatically assigned to a voice-specific VLAN and treated with appropriate levels of QoS. Voice Services Discovery Protocol (VSDP) delivers network wide zero-touch deployment of voice endpoints and call control devices
Multicast TV VLAN Multicast TV VLAN allows the single multicast VLAN to be shared in the network while subscribers remain in separate VLANs. This feature is also known as Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)
VLAN Translation Support for VLAN One-to-One Mapping. In VLAN One-to-One Mapping, on an edge interface customer VLANs (C-VLANs) are mapped to service provider VLANs (S-VLANs) and the original C-VLAN tags are replaced by the specified S-VLAN
Q-in-Q VLANs transparently cross a service provider network while isolating traffic among customers
Selective Q-in-Q Selective Q-in-Q is an enhancement to the basic Q-in-Q feature and provides, per edge interface, multiple mappings of different C-VLANs to separate S-VLANs
Selective Q-in-Q also allows configuring of Ethertype (Tag Protocol Identifier [TPID]) of the S-VLAN tag
Layer 2 protocol tunneling over Q-in-Q is also supported
Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)/Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) and Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) enable automatic propagation and configuration of VLANs in a bridged domain
Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) UDLD monitors physical connection to detect unidirectional links caused by incorrect wiring or cable/port faults to prevent forwarding loops and black holing of traffic in switched networks
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay at Layer 2 Relay of DHCP traffic to DHCP server in different VLAN; works with DHCP Option 82
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) versions 1, 2, and 3 snooping IGMP limits bandwidth-intensive multicast traffic to only the requesters; supports 2K multicast groups (source-specific multicasting is also supported)
IGMP Querier IGMP querier is used to support a Layer 2 multicast domain of snooping switches in the absence of a multicast router
IGMP proxy The IGMP proxy provides a mechanism for multicast forwarding based on IGMP membership information without the need for more complicated multicast routing protocols.
Head-of-Line (HOL) blocking HOL blocking prevention
Loopback Detection Loopback detection provides protection against loops by transmitting loop protocol packets out of ports on which loop protection has been enabled. It operates independently of STP
Layer 3 IPv4 routing Wirespeed routing of IPv4 packets
Up to 990 static routes and up to 128 IP interfaces
IPv6 routing Wirespeed routing of IPv6 packets
Layer 3 Interface Configuration of Layer 3 interface on physical port, Link Aggregation (LAG), VLAN interface, or loopback interface
Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) Support for classless interdomain routing
RIP v2 Support for Routing Information Protocol version 2 for dynamic routing
Policy-Based Routing (PBR) Flexible routing control to direct packets to different next hop based on IPv4 or IPv6 Access Control List (ACL)
DHCP Server Switch functions as an IPv4 DHCP server serving IP addresses for multiple DHCP pools/scopes
Support for DHCP options
DHCP relay at Layer 3 Relay of DHCP traffic across IP domains
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) relay Relay of broadcast information across Layer 3 domains for application discovery or relaying of Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)/DHCP packets
Security ecure Shell (SSH) Protocol SSH is a secure replacement for Telnet traffic. Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) also uses SSH. SSH v1 and v2 are supported
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) SSL support: Encrypts all HTTPS traffic, allowing highly secure access to the browser-based management GUI in the switch
IEEE 802.1X (Authenticator role) 802.1X: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) authentication and accounting, MD5 hash; guest VLAN; unauthenticated VLAN, single/multiple host mode and single/multiple sessions
Supports time-based 802.1X; dynamic VLAN assignment; MAC authentication
IEEE 802.1X supplicant A switch can be configured to act as a supplicant to another switch. This enables extended secure access in areas outside the wiring closet (such as conference rooms)
Web-based authentication Web-based authentication provides network admission control through web browser to any host devices and operating systems
STP Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) Guard A security mechanism to protect the network from invalid configurations. A port enabled for BPDU Guard is shut down if a BPDU message is received on that port. This avoids accidental topology loops
STP Root Guard This prevents edge devices not in the network administrator’s control from becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes
STP loopback guard Provides additional protection against Layer 2 forwarding loops (STP loops)
DHCP snooping Filters out DHCP messages with unregistered IP addresses and/or from unexpected or untrusted interfaces. This prevents rogue devices from behaving as DHCP Servers.
IP Source Guard (IPSG) When IP Source Guard is enabled at a port, the switch filters out IP packets received from the port if the source IP addresses of the packets have not been statically configured or dynamically learned from DHCP snooping. This prevents IP address spoofing.
Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) The switch discards ARP packets from a port if there are no static or dynamic IP/MAC bindings or if there is a discrepancy between the source or destination addresses in the ARP packet. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.
IP/MAC/Port Binding (IPMB) The preceding features (DHCP Snooping, IP Source Guard, and Dynamic ARP Inspection) work together to prevent DOS attacks in the network, thereby increasing network availability
Secure Core Technology (SCT) Makes sure that the switch will receive and process management and protocol traffic no matter how much traffic is received
Secure Sensitive Data (SSD) A mechanism to manage sensitive data (such as passwo
166986 Kč
cena s DPH
Enterprise License for Meraki MS355-48X2 Cloud Managed Gigabit Switch - 7 Years (License Only, No...
12175 Kč
cena s DPH
Cisco Catalyst switch C1300-48T-4G - REFRESHS
CISCO REFRESH jsou repasované produkty, které společnost CISCO dodává s certifikací kvality, zárukou a servisní podporou odpovídající ekvivalentnímu novému produktu
Cisco Catalyst řady 1300 jsou managovatelné switche Gigabit Ethernet Layer 3 podnikové třídy určené pro malé a střední podniky a pobočky. Tyto jednoduché, flexibilní a bezpečné switche jsou ideální pro nasazení mimo rozvodnou skříň. Řada Catalyst 1300 pracuje na přizpůsobeném softwaru operačního systému Linux s intuitivním grafickým rozhraním, který zjednodušuje nastavení sítě a pokročilými funkcemi, které urychlují digitální transformaci, zatímco všudypřítomné zabezpečení chrání kritické obchodní transakce. Přepínače řady 1300 poskytují ideální kombinaci cenové dostupnosti a možností pro malé a střední podniky a pomáhají vám vytvořit efektivnější a lépe propojenou pracovní sílu.
Stránky produktu: C1300-48T-4G
Performance Switching capacity and forwarding rate (All switches are wire-speed and nonblocking)
Capacity in millions of packets per second (mpps) (64-byte packets) 77.38
Switching capacity in gigabits per second (Gbps) 104.0
Layer 2 switching Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Standard 802.1d spanning tree support
Fast convergence using 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol [RSTP]), enabled by default
Multiple spanning tree instances using 802.1s (MSTP); 8 instances are supported
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+); 126 instances are supported
Rapid PVST+ (RPVST+); 126 instances are supported
Port grouping/link aggregation Support for IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
Up to 8 groups
Up to 8 ports per group with 16 candidate ports for each (dynamic) 802.3ad link aggregation
VLAN Support for up to 4093 VLANs simultaneously
Port-based and 802.1Q tag-based VLANs, MAC-based VLAN, protocol-based VLAN, IP subnet-based VLAN
Management VLAN
Private VLAN with promiscuous, isolated, and community port
Private VLAN Edge (PVE), also known as protected ports, with multiple uplinks Guest VLAN, unauthenticated VLAN
Dynamic VLAN assignment via RADIUS server along with 802.1X client authentication Customer premises equipment (CPE) VLAN
Auto surveillance VLAN (ASV)
Voice VLAN Voice traffic is automatically assigned to a voice-specific VLAN and treated with appropriate levels of QoS. Voice Services Discovery Protocol (VSDP) delivers networkwide zero-touch deployment of voice endpoints and call control devices
Multicast TV VLAN Multicast TV VLAN allows the single multicast VLAN to be shared in the network while subscribers remain in separate VLANs. This feature is also known as Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)
VLAN translation Support for VLAN one-to-one mapping, in which customer VLANs (C-VLANs) on an edge interface are mapped to service provider VLANs (S-VLANs), and the original C-VLAN tags are replaced by the specified S-VLAN
Q-in-Q VLANs transparently cross a service provider network while isolating traffic among customers
Selective Q-in-Q Selective Q-in-Q is an enhancement to the basic Q-in-Q feature and provides, per edge interface, multiple mappings of different C-VLANs to separate S-VLANs
Selective Q-in-Q also allows configuring of the Ethertype (Tag Protocol Identifier [TPID]) of the S-VLAN tag
Layer 2 protocol tunneling over Q-in-Q is also supported
Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)/Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) GVRP and GARP enable automatic propagation and configuration of VLANs in a bridged domain
Unidirectional Link UDLD monitors physical connections to detect unidirectional links caused by incorrect
Detection (UDLD) wiring or cable/port faults to prevent forwarding loops and blackholing of traffic in switched networks
DHCP relay at Layer 2 Relay of DHCP traffic to a DHCP server in a different VLAN; works with DHCP Option 82
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) versions 1, 2, and 3 snooping IGMP limits bandwidth-intensive multicast traffic to only the requesters; it supports 2000 multicast groups (source-specific multicasting is also supported)
IGMP querier IGMP querier is used to support a Layer 2 multicast domain of snooping switches in the absence of a multicast router
IGMP proxy The IGMP proxy provides a mechanism for multicast forwarding based on IGMP membership information without the need for more complicated multicast routing protocols
Head-of-Line (HOL) blocking HOL blocking prevention
Loopback detection Loopback detection provides protection against loops by transmitting loop protocol packets out of ports on which loop protection has been enabled. It operates independently of STP
Layer 3 IPv4 routing Wire-speed routing of IPv4 packets
Up to 990 static routes and up to 128 IP interfaces
IPv6 routing Wire-speed routing of IPv6 packets
Layer 3 interface Configuration of a Layer 3 interface on a physical port, LAG, VLAN interface, or loopback interface
Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) Support for CIDR
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) v2 Support for RIP v2 for dynamic routing
Policy-Based Routing (PBR) Flexible routing control to direct packets to a different next hop based on an IPv4 or IPv6 Access Control List (ACL)
DHCP server Switch functions as an IPv4 DHCP server, serving IP addresses for multiple DHCP pools or scopes
Support for DHCP options
DHCP relay at Layer 3 Relay of DHCP traffic across IP domains
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) relay Relay of broadcast information across Layer 3 domains for application discovery or relaying of Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)/DHCP packets
Security Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol SSH is a secure replacement for Telnet traffic. Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) also uses SSH. SSH v1 and v2 are supported
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) SSL support: Encrypts all HTTPS traffic, allowing highly secure access to the browser-based management GUI in the switch
IEEE 802.1X (authenticator role) 802.1X: RADIUS authentication and accounting, MD5 hash, guest VLAN, unauthenticated VLAN, single/multiple host mode, and single/multiple sessions
Supports time-based 802.1X, dynamic VLAN assignment, and MAC authentication
IEEE 802.1X supplicant A switch can be configured to act as a supplicant to another switch. This enables extended secure access in areas outside the wiring closet (such as conference rooms)
Web-based authentication Web-based authentication provides network admission control through a web browser to any host devices and operating systems
STP Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) Guard A security mechanism to protect the network from invalid configurations. A port enabled for BPDU Guard is shut down if a BPDU message is received on that port. This avoids accidental topology loops
STP Root Guard Prevents edge devices not in the network administrator’s control from becoming STP root nodes
STP loopback guard Provides additional protection against Layer 2 forwarding loops (STP loops)
DHCP snooping Filters out DHCP messages with unregistered IP addresses and/or from unexpected or untrusted interfaces. This prevents rogue devices from behaving as DHCP servers
IP Source Guard (IPSG) When IPSG is enabled at a port, the switch filters out IP packets received from the port if the source IP addresses of the packets have not been statically configured or dynamically learned from DHCP snooping. This prevents IP address spoofing
Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) The switch discards ARP packets from a port if there are no static or dynamic IP/MAC bindings or if there is a discrepancy between the source or destination addresses in the ARP packet. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks
IP/MAC/port binding (IPMB) The preceding features (DHCP snooping, IPSG, and DAI) work together to ...
72082 Kč
cena s DPH
Cisco Meraki MX68W, 10 year Enterprise License and Support.
1059 Kč
cena s DPH
Unitek Unitek obousměrný HDMI 2.1 8K přepínač 2v1
83843 Kč
cena s DPH
Cisco Meraki MX68CW, 10 year Enterprise License and Support.
2858 Kč
cena s DPH
Zdroj Pure Power 12 750W ATX 3.1 80PLUS GOLD
32643 Kč
cena s DPH
XS1930-12HP, 8-port Multi-Gigabit Smart Managed PoE Switch 375Watt 802.3BT, 2 x 10GbE + 2 x SFP+ Uplink
515 Kč
cena s DPH
Modul MiniGBIC
Multirežimový modul MiniGBIC
Určen k použití se zařízeními TL-SG3109/3216/3224, TL-SL3428/3452, TL-SG2109WEB/2216WEB/2224WEB, TL-SL2210WEB/2218WEB/2428WEB/2452WEB, TL-SL1351.
•Podpora plně duplexního režimu
21463 Kč
cena s DPH
VDSL Line Card—VLC1124A-51
G.993.2, G.994.1, G.997.1
Twenty-four VDSL+POTS subscriber ports via one champ-64 connector
Twenty-four POTS splitter input ports via one champ-64 connector
Annex A
Built-in POTS splitter that supports both 600 and 900 ohm
5703 Kč
cena s DPH
AI Theta Hub
Remote processing hub for any AI Theta deployment, compatible with any AI Theta Lens and AI Theta Audio.
(1) video and (1) audio port for connecting a lens and audio module
Supports AI Theta Standard and Professional Lenses, with (1) included cable for connecting a lens
Advanced AI: Detect people, read license plates, and more*
0.96" color display for device status and configuration
Connect and power using PoE
Supports optional AI Theta Audio module for two-way audio
*License plate recognition supported with Long-Distance and Wide-Angle lenses.
898 Kč
cena s DPH
TECHLY 025732 HDMI audio extractor RCA R/L SPDIF Toslink 2.0 CH / 5.1 CH